Officials aware of the development said the derailment took place at Duhai depot in Uttar Pradesh earlier this month. “Few observations have been noted by a high-level enquiry committee of technical experts constituted by NCRTC. The incident occurred during movement of the train in the maintenance depot due to an operational lapse on the part of the staff,” NCRTC said in response to queries from ET without naming the company or officials held accountable.
Germany’s Deutsche Bahn (DB) handles rail operations and maintenance of the corridor while Alstom is the supplier of rolling stock (called Namo Bharat train) and the signalling system.
Alstom did not respond to queries sent by ET while DB responded saying queries should be directed NCRTC.
Commenting on corrective measures being taken, NCRTC said, “The committee has recommended penal action against the concerned staff. Further, the staff has been advised to go for rigorous refresher courses to update their knowledge about the SOPs.” Speed on the corridor was restricted for a brief period after the incident. “No derailment incident occurred on the operational section of the Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) corridor. A minor incident had occurred on March 9 in the maintenance depot. This incident occurred while moving a train under testing/commissioning. Two wheels of an axle had got off the tracks,” NCRTC said.
The incident occurred in a controlled environment devoid of public service area, where a range of systems, encompassing both software and hardware, undergo thorough testing before being deployed on the main line, NCRTC said, while maintaining that there are established safety protocols and standard operating procedures (SOPs) being followed by the operational staff who are advised to take suitable measures for testing and commissioning of the trains.
“In the instant case, some of the provisions of the prescribed SOP were not observed. The responsibility of the concerned operational staff has been fixed up,” the company said. RRTS comes under the administrative control of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA). It has been developed as a first-of-its-kind semi-high-speed rail line to reduce the travel time between Delhi and Meerut to less than an hour, travelling at speeds up to 160kmph, while going through Ghaziabad, Muradnagar, and Modinagar.
Alstom had in 2020 won a ₹106-million contract from NCRTC to design, supply and install the signalling, train control and telecommunication system on the RRTS corridor.
Deutsche Bahn subsidiary DB International Operations (DB IO) won the contract for handling the operation and maintenance of RRTS over 12 years in 2022.
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