Bollywood divas and Tinsel Town celebrities have always kept us hooked with their festive fashion and this Diwali was no different as actor Ananya Panday stepped out for producer Ekta Kapoor’s Diwali celebrations in a sultry silhouette that made style enthusiasts and fans’ jaws drop in awe. On the occasion of Dhanteras and Diwali, Ekta Kapoor hosted the grand bash at her residence in Mumbai where the guest list included Kriti Sanon, Ananya Panday, Aditya Roy Kapur, Karan Johar, Disha Patani, Shanaya Kapoor, Shilpa Shetty, Shamita Shetty, Raj Kundra, Nargis Fakhri, Bhumi Pednekar, Tajasswi Prakash, Karan Kundrra, Alaya F, Mouni Roy, Richa Chadha, Ali Fazal, Vidya Balan and others.
However, Ananya made heads turn and set the Internet on fire as she flooded social media with pictures from a photoshoot that featured her radiating confidence and elevating the glamour quotient in a saree with a trendsetting bandeau blouse. Made of organza and silk fabric, the saree came in dust pink colour and was hand embroidered with sequins and mirror work.
It was teamed with a dust pink bandeau blouse that too came hand embroidered with sequins and mirror work to ace a stylish and contemporary variant of the traditional blouse, characterised by its strapless design while providing a clean and minimalistic look. Leaving her wavy tresses open down her shoulders in mid-parted hairstyle, Ananya accessorised her look with a pair of long silver earrings and a finger ring while opting for a nude makeup look.
Striking sizzling poses for the camera, Ananya oozed oomph as she captioned the pictures “love and light and all that (sic)”.
The ensemble is credited to Indian fashion designer, Arpita Mehta’s eponymous label that boasts of minimalist yet fashion-forward ensembles, feature a seamless blend of ethnic and contemporary designs and enhance the feminine silhouette. The dust pink saree and blouse set originally costs a whopping ₹385,000 on the designer website.
A popular choices for modern ethnic wear and fusion fashion, bandeau blouse are frequently paired with sarees, lehengas or skirts as they offer a trendy alternative to conventional blouse styles and add a touch of glamour and sophistication to the overall ensemble. If you want to recreate this look, try the versatile bandeau blouse but experiment with various fabrics, embellishments and patterns to create a personalised and chic statement in contemporary fashion this festive and wedding season.
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