ETimes now has exclusive info on the magnum opus, that is said to be mounted on a grand scale. According to our sources, the shooting of the epic tale will be mainly done on sets in Mumbai. The source further added that Ranbir Kapoor will be shooting for 60 days in Mumbai. The makers will then be moving to London, to shoot the Lanka portion of the film, that will last roughly 60 days again, where he will be joined by Yash as well. There will be some combination shoots of the two actors as well.
While on Ramayana, according to sources close to the Ranbir, it was reported that he willingly renounced alcohol and non-vegetarian food, and even refrained from indulging in late-night parties, to honour and prepare for his role as Lord Rama.
It was said that RK’s decision to make these sacrifices wasn’t merely for public image, but was rooted in his dedication to feeling as pure as Lord Ram. While filming for ‘Ramayan,’ Ranbir committed himself to a disciplined routine, abstaining completely from alcohol and meat consumption. This transformation showcased Ranbir Kapoor’s commitment to delving deep into the character, aligning his habits with the spiritual essence of Sri Rama.
The makers plan to release Ramayana by the second half of 2025.
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